Algae. 2003; 18(4): 311-320.
Ecological Study of the Marine Algal Community at the Coast of Taean Termal Power Plant, Korea
Jong Su Yoo, Yong Hwang Kim
Research Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Korea
Maritime University, Division of Life Sciences, Chungbuk National University
The community structure of benthic marine algae was investigated at Taean Thermal Power Plant and other places around Taean Peninsula, the west coast of Korea. Total of 100 species indluding 3 Cyanophyta, 14 Chlorophyta, 18 Phaeophyta, and 65 Rhodophyta were identified. The number of species was higheast with 78 species at the Power Plant intake, followed by 61 at the discharge, 56 at Bunjeondo, and 50 at Maoe, It was noteworthy that a subtropical speices Caulerpa okamurae was collected at the intake in autumn and it was the first observation in he west coast of Korea. The pattern of vertical algal distribution showed Gloiopiltis furcata occurred in the upper intertidal zone, Sargassum thunbergii and Corallina spp. in the middle and lower zone and Enteromorpha spp. in the lower middle zone. These were all dominant species except for Enteromophaspp., which was subdominatn species. Other subdominatn species were Chondrus ocellatus and Neorhodomela aculeata. The average diversity indices were between 0.70 and 1.20 at each area based on their dry weight. The similarity index was 0.79 between the algal flora of this study and that of 1987, indicating that the condition of the benthic environment remained unchanged since then. This area maintained its environmental quality, so the algal community remained same with similar structure. This study area seemed a suitable place for long term monitoring of the benthic environment where industrial facilities such as a power plant might affect the benthic algal community.
Keywords :
benthic marine algae, community structure, flora, species diversity, Taean Thermal Power Plant