A Check - list of the Freshwater Diatoms in Korea
Kyung Lee
Department of Biology, Song Sim College for Women
This is the first comprehensive check-list of freshwater diatoms in Korea from 1929 to 1986, including some taxa known to be marine and brackish but reported from freshwater. The classification system is presented and the list of species followed in alphabetical order. According to Simonsen's classification system(1979), Korean freshwater diatoms are attributed to 724 taxa : 540 species, 3 subspecies, 17 forms, 161 varieties and 4 variety-forms belonging to 89 genera, 4 subfamilies, 18 families, 5 suborders and 2 orders. This check-list also shows 783 synonyms and 230 cross references of synonyms formerly in common use.
Key words:
freshwater diatoms, Check-list |