Algae. 2004; 19(1): 7-14.
Removal and Growth Inhibition of Red-tide Organisms by Blue-Min Treatment
Seung-Kuk Kwak, Min Kyung Jung, Eun Ki Lee1 and Kyung-Je Cho2*
Department of Biology, Inje University, Gimhae 621-749, 1BB Techno Co., Saengrim-myon Gimhae 621-823 and 2*Nakdong River Environmental Research Center,Inje University, Gimhae 621-749, Korea
Blue-Min was initially developed as an adsorbent for harmful gas removal and recently improved to apply to livestock, agriculture and aquaculture as an assistant feed. In the Blue-Min treatment, growth of harmful algae (Cochlodinium polykrikoides and the others causing the red-tide in the ocean) were inhibited below 10% in comparison with control and coagulation removal of harmful alge with Blue-Min treatment was more efficient than that of yellow loess treatment. It would be expected that the Ble-Min can be useful for the extirpator against the red-tide organisms and restrain the toxic algal growth around the fish aquaculture using the assistant feed. Recently, its utility has become to be diverse as it was revealed that aquaculture productivity increase by its application and, in addition, that it improve the water quality or sediment conditions in the aquaculture of Chinese White Shrimp. When Blue-Min was treated with the proper dose, the growth inhibition of Microcystis aeruginosa and lsochrysis galbana, which are typical red-tide organisms in freshwaters and food organisms in aquaculture, respectively, were less than that of marine red-tide organisms, while their growth slightly increased with low concentration treatiment. In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content of I. galbana slightly increase with the Blue-Min treatment. Through our research, the Blue-Min has diverse and comples function against various biological organisms and is proved as a biological activator or depressor.
Keywords :
algal growth inhibition, bioactivator, Blue-Min, red-tide depression