Algae. 2002; 17(4): 275-281.
Trophic States and Phytoplankton Compositions of Dam Lakes in Korea
Jung Ho Lee, Jong Gun Park, Eun Jung Kim
Department of Biology Education, Daegu University, Korea
Water Resourses Cooperation, National Environmental Research Institute
Trophic states and species compositions of phytoplankton communities of the ten dam lakes in Korea were determined in the study. Samples were collected seasonally on February, May, August and October in 1998. Total 198 phytoplankton taxa were collected and classified into 17 varieties and 181 species and belonged to 83 genera. Over all dominant species were diatoms in February. However in August blue green algae, mainly Microcystis species, dominated in almost all the lakes. The algal blooms were recorded at the Lake Paldang only in February, at two Lakes of Paldang and Kwangdong in May. However, the blooms were observed in seven lakes in August and eight lakes in October; especially the algal bloom in Lake Paldang was observed for the whole studying periods. The range of the average LTSI (Lake Trophic Status Index, Yang and Dickman 1993) in the entire study periods for the ten dam lakes was 4.1 to 8.0 and included 1 mesotrophic, 3 mesoeutrophic and 6 eutrophic lakes. Lake Andong was only a mesotrophic lake of 4.1 average LTSI value. Lake Kwangdong, Chungju and Unmun were assessed into mesoeutrophic lakes with the range of 4.9 to 5.2 LTSI value. The rest 6 lakes such as Lake Paldang. Daechung, Imha, Angye, Sayeun and Namgang were eutrophic with the LTSI over 5.41.
Keywords :
algal bloom, dam lakes, phytoplankton, trophic states