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Algae > Volume 30(3); 2015 > Article
Algae 2015;30(3): 241-246. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2015.30.3.241
In vitro antiviral activity of dieckol and phlorofucofuroeckol-A isolated from edible brown alga Eisenia bicyclis against murine norovirus
Sung-Hwan Eom1, Sun-Young Moon2, Dae-Sung Lee3, Hyo-Jung Kim4, Kunbawui Park5, Eun-Woo Lee6, Tae Hoon Kim7, Yong-Hyun Chung8, Myung-Suk Lee9 and Young-Mog Kim4,*

1Korea Food Research Institute, Sungnam 463-746, Korea
2Department of Interdisciplinary Program of Biomedical Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea
3National Marine Biodiversity Institutes of Korea, Seocheon 325-902, Korea
4Department of Food Science and Technology, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea
5Food Safety Research Division, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute, Busan 619-705, Korea
6Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dongeui University, Busan 614-714, Korea
7Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Daegu University, Gyeongsan 712-714, Korea
8Department of Ecological Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea
9Department of Microbiology, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea
*Corresponding Author  Email: ymkim@pknu.ac.kr
This research was conducted to develop effective and safe marine-derived antiviral compounds against norovirus. The ethyl acetate (EtOAc)-extract from Eisenia bicyclis exhibited strong antiviral activity against murine norovirus (MNV) as a norovirus surrogate. Among the phlorotannins from E. bicyclis, dieckol (DE) and phlorofucofuroeckol-A (PFF) were known to possess the strongest antibacterial activity. In this study, DE and PFF were evaluated for antiviral activity against MNV. DE and PFF exhibited strong anti-MNV activity with 50% effective concentration (EC50) of 0.9 μM. However, PFF exhibited more effective antiviral activity against MNV with higher selective index (668.87) than that of DE (550.60), due to its lower cell toxicity against RAW 264.7. This is the first report on the anti-MNV activity of phlorotannins from seaweed. The results obtained in this study suggest that the phlorotannins could be used as a potential source of natural antiviral agents.
Key words: antiviral activity; Eisenia bicyclis; murine norovirus; phlorofucofuroeckol-A; phlorotannins

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