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Algae > Volume 26(4); 2011 > Article
Algae 2011;26(4): 299-315. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2011.26.4.299
Morphology and distribution of some marine diatoms, family Rhizosoleniaceae, genus Proboscia, Neocalyptrella, Pseudosolenia, Guinardia, and Dactyliosolen in Korean coastal waters
Suk Min Yun and Jin Hwan Lee
The morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of species belonging to the diatom family Rhizosoleniaceae were studied from the marine coastal waters of Korea. Rhizosolenid diatom taxa were collected at 30 sites from September 2008 to February 2010 and were analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. We identified 6 rhizosolenid genera, including Rhizosolenia, Proboscia, Pseudosolenia, Neocalyptrella, Guinardia, and Dactyliosolen. We describe 5 genera in this study, except Rhizosolenia. Five genera were compared in detail with congeneric species. Six genera within the family Rhizosoleniaceae were divided into two groups based on morphological diagnostic characters including valve shape, areolae pattern, the shape of external process, and girdle segments in the column. The first group had a conoidal valve and loculate areolae, which comprised Rhizosolenia, Proboscia, Pseudosolenia, and Neocalyptrella, and the second group of Guinardia and Dactyliosolen showed a flat or rounded valve and poroid areolae. Important key diagnostic characters were based on valve shape, areolae pattern on the segment, external process, position of the tube, and the valve margin. D. phuketensis was new to Korean coastal waters.
Key words: Dactyliosolen; diatoms; distribution; Guinardia; morphology; Neocalyptrella; Proboscia; Pseudosolenia

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