A Study on the Fine Structure of the Marine Diatoms of Korean Coastal Waters - Genus Thalassiosira 3
Jin Hwan Lee* and Joon Sang Park
Department of Biology, Sangmyung University, Seoul 110-743, Korea
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A study on the fine structure of the marine diatom Thalassiosira has been carried out during the periods from January 2007 to March 2008 in Korean coastal waters. As the third series of the Thalassiosira species, a fine structure, description, distribution and taxonomic remarks of the six Thalassiosira species were observed by means of light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The critical features of Thalassiosira species were a shape of external tubes of marginal strutted processes and labiate process. Six species showed each different shape of external tubes, marginal strutted processes and labiate process. The shape of external tube was divided into five types: T shape of Thalassiosira curviseriata, small-rounded shape of T. lundiana, double-layer form and flame shape of T. nordenskioeldii, tulip shape of T. punctigera and tooth-shape of T. tenera. This external character may be able to key character for positive identification of the Thalassiosira species. Of these Thalassiosira lundiana, T. minuscula and T. tenera were new records for Korean coastal waters.
Key words:
external tube, fine structure, Korea, labiate process, strutted process, Thalassiosira |