Scale Morphologies for Identification of Marine Nanoflagellates
Hyeung-Sin Kim* and Min-Min Jung1
Research Institute for Basic Science, Jeju National University, Ara-1 Dong, Jeju-Si, Jeju-Do 690-756, Korea 1Jeju Fisheries Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute(NFRDI), 785, Wimi-ri, Namwon-up, Namjeju-gun, Jeju-do, 699-800, Korea
5 Haptophyta 2 Chrysophyta and 1 Prasinophyta species of scale-bearing nanoflagellates were collected in coastal water of Korea and identified by examination of their scales with Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (JSM-6700F). These included Chrysochromulina ahrengoti, C. simplex, C. spinifera, Prymnesium parvum, P. patelliferum, Mamiella gilva, Paraphysomonas imperforata and Pa. vestita. The surface of cells covered with unmineralised scales (5 Haptophyte and 1 Prasinophyta species) or silica scales (2 Chrysophyta species). Scale-covered flagella are found in the 1 Prasinophyta species. One of the main structural characteristics of Haptophyte is the haptonema, a filiform organelle which occurs together with the two flagella. It may be long and coiling upon irritation as in Chrysochromulina, or short and noncoiling as in Prymnesium.
Key words:
Haptophyta, Chrysophyta, Prasinophyta, nanoflagellate, scale |