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Algae > Volume 20(3); 2005 > Article
Algae 2005;20(3): 177-181. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2005.20.3.177
New Records of Marine Algae from Korea II
Jung Hyun Oak, Yeon-Shim Keum, Mi Sook Hwang1 and Yoon Sik Oh*
Division of Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 660-701 and
1Seaweed Research Center, South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Mokpo 530-831, Korea
Two species of marine algae, Fauchea spinulosa Okamura et Segawa (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyceae) and Stictyosiphon soriferus (Reinke) Rosenvinge (Chodariaceae, Phaeophyceae) were newly collected from the southern coast and Cheju Island of Korea. Fauchea spinulosa was collected from subtidal zone in the insular region of the southern coast. Plants were erect from the discoidal holdfast with short stipe, pinkish to deep red, cartilageneous, dichotomously and flabellately branched, and 10-15 cm high, 5-15 mm broad. Tetrasporangia are cruciately divided and nemathecia occurred on a side of the branches. Cystocarps were mostly coronate in marginal area and spermatangia were scattered on both sides of branches. Stictyosiphon soriferus commonly occurs on muddy and sandy intertidal flat of Namhaedo located on the southern coast. Plants are epilithic, light brown, terete, 3-5 cm high, and branched heavily in irregular or alternate manner, arising from a small holdfast with rhizoidal clumps. Plurilocular sporangia were scattered in patches and slightly swollen above the cortex of the whole filament. Unilocular sporangia were not found.
Key words: Fauchea spinulosa, new records from Korea, Stictyosiphon soriferus

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