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Algae > Volume 18(1); 2003 > Article
Algae 2003;18(1): 89-94. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2003.18.1.089
Yield Improvement Using Recombinant Wild-Type in Porphyra Yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)
Jong-Ahm Shin
Division of Aqualife Science, Yosu National University
The recombinant wild-type (ZGRW) in pigmentation was bred by the cross between the green-type and the red type pigmentation mutant of Porphyra yezoensis. The yield characteristics of the ZGRW were examined by cultivation at farming sites for up to three Porphyra years. The ratio of length to width of gametothalli and the frequency of lesions of the red rot disease infected gametothalli were determined to compare the ZGRW with the local cultivars. The mean value of ratio of length to width of gametothalli of the ZGRW was higher than that of the local cultivars in the range of 106-216%. The frequency of lesions of the red rot disease-infected gametothalli of the ZGRW was smaller than that of the local cultivars in the range of 14.3-15.6%. The ZGRW yield was higher than those of the local cultivars.
Key words: cross breeding, pigmentation mutant, Porphyra yezoensis, recombinant wild-type, yield improvement

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