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Algae > Volume 17(3); 2002 > Article
Algae 2002;17(3): 195-199. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2002.17.3.195
Activity of Chlorella vulgaris Associated by Escherichia coli W3110 on Removal of Total Organic Carbon in Continuous River Water Flow System
Surk-Key Kong, Nakajima Toshiuki
Department of Environmental Engineering, Joongbu University, Department of Biology and Earth Sciences, College of Theological Sciences, Ehime University
We investigated the association of Chlorella vulgaris and E. coli W3110 in removal of total organic carbon with the lab-scaled continuous river water flow system (CRWFS). Artificial synthetic wastewater was applied at two levels of organic carbon concentration; 1,335 ㎎?l-1 in the treatment (T)-1 and 267 ㎎?l-1 in T-2. The highest densities of C. vulgaris were 8.3×106 cells?ml-1 in T-1 and 6.9×106 cells?ml-1 in T-2. The maximum densities of E. coli W3110 were 2.0×108 colony forming unit (CFU)?ml-1 in T-1 and 3.9×108 CFU?ml-1 in T-2. The densities increased during the first 11 days in T-1 and 4 days in T-2, and decreased rapidly till 35th day, then increased slightly afterwards. This trend was prominent in T-2. It was implied that wider range of untrients was required in the growth of heterotrophic bacteria in T-2 than in T-1. The algal biomass should be increased effectively for the successful removal of organic carbon.
Key words: algal biomass, association of algae and bacterium, Chlorella vulgaris, Escherichia coli W3110

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