Algae 2000;15(4): 233-254. |
Epipsammic Diatom Flora of the Pukchong-Namdaechon River of North Korea
Kyung Je Cho
Epipsammic diatoms, which are attached on the sand grains, were collected at the mouth of the Pukchong-Namdaechon River of North Korea, from October 1997 to July 1998. One hundred and fifty-two diatom taxa were identified and their abundance and distribution were discussed. Sand grains were primarily colonized by diatoms with raphe system below 20 ㎛ in their size. Important diatom taxa were as followed - Nitzschia sp. 3, Achnanthes alteragracillima (Meist.) Lange-B., A. minutissima Ku¨tz., A. lanceolata ssp. frequentissima Lange-B., A. delicatula (Ku¨tz.) Grun., Navicula gregaria Donk., N. minima Grun., Fragilaria pinnata Ehr.