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Algae > Volume 13(4); 1998 > Article
Algae 1998;13(4): 461-466.
Ecological Studies on Togyo Reservoir in Chulwon, Korea IV. The Establishment of Periphytic Algae on Artificial Substrate at Mesocosm
Kyung Lee, Sook-Kyung Yoon, Myung-Soo Han
School of Life Sciences, The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Biology, Hanyang University
Patterns of periphytic algal establishment on the artificial substrate were investigated from May to December 1996 at monthly intervals on the outside and inside of the mesocosm at Togyo Reservoir. The vinyl sheet which carried 306 slide glasses was dipped into both sides of the mesocosm to elucidate the seasonal changes in standing crops of the periphytic algae. The standing crops of periphytic algae outside of the mesocosm showed the highest value as 306, 849 cells/cm super(2) in September and those inside of the mesocosm showed the highest value as 166,849 cells/cm super(2) in September. There were 9 dominants found outside of the mesocosm and 12 dominants inside of the mesocosm On the seasonal changes of standing crops and dominant species found from both sides of mesocosm respectively, some differences due to the mesocosm were discovered: the size of standing crops and the dominants at the time of initialization and at the time of establishment of periphytic algae. However, the periods taken for the establishment of periphytic algae beginning from may to September was the same for both sides of the mesocosm.
Key words: artificial substrate, establishment, periphytic algae, seasonal changes, standing crops, Togyo Reservoir

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