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Algae > Volume 13(4); 1998 > Article
Algae 1998;13(4): 419-426.
Undariella, a New Genus of the Alariaceae (Laminariales, Phaeophyta)
Yong-Pil Lee
Department of Biology, Cheju National University
A new genus, Undariella, is proposed to accomodate the species, Laminaria peterseniana Kjellman (Kjullman and Petersen 1884). The species has been previously assigned in Undaria. However, it is ascertained that the generic circumscription of Undaria (Suringar 1872-1874) was inadequately extended by Okamura (1915) and had applicated to the species. The genus Undariella us characterized by a simple stipe with two-edges, laminate blades bearing gland cells and cryptostomata on surface, and sori produced on the both surfaces of the blade.
Key words: Taxonomy, Undariella Y. Lee gen. nov., U. peterseniana (Kjellman) Y. Lee comb. nov.

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