Algae 1998;13(2): 235-240. |
Growth and Nutrient Kinetics of Some Algal Species Isolated from the Naktong River
Kyung-Je Cho, Jae-Ki Shin
Department of Biology, Inje University, Water Resource Institute, KOWACO
Some freshwater algae were isolated from the Naktong River in which they are dominant and their growth kinetics were determined in the batch culture. Maximum growth rate (μ sub(m)) and half-saturation constant (k sub(s)) varied with algal species. Microcystis aeruginosa had the high (k sub(s))-value for nitrogen. Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis had lower (k sub(s))-value for P and Si nutrient, and the higher values for μ sub(m)/k sub(s) than any other algal species. S. hantzschii f. tenuis was assumed to be the best competitor in the low concentration of silica and M. aeruginosa in the high concentration of nitrogen. The growth kinetics of two predominant algae-S. hantzschii f. tenuis and M. aeruginosa-were coincided with the nutrient status or dynamics of the Naktong River. It was observed that other competitive diatoms succeeded to the Stephanodiscus and the phytoplankton composition changed temporarily after the nutrient gap or disturbance of silica during the droughty season in the Naktong River.
Key words:
algal growth kinetics, competition, k sub(s) values, Naktong River |