Taxonomic Studies on Diatoms in Korea I. Classification System and Koreanization of Classification Level
Joong-Ki Choi, Jin-Hwan Lee, Kyung Lee
Department of Oceanography, Inha University, Department of Biology, Sangmyung Women's University, Department of Biology, Catholic University of Korea
Through taxonomic studies on diatoms occurred in Korea, we rearranged classification system and tried to koreanize name of diatoms recorded in the checklist. We reviewed classification systems from Schut's (1869) to Round et al.'s(1990) and reconsidered the classification system supplemented by Hasle et al. (1983). According to Simonsen's classification system. Korean diatoms are classified as 2 orders, 5 suborders, 21 families, 5 sub-families and 160 genera. We adopt Korean name of diatom as dolmal which means silicified algae, and give Korean name for 147 genera and upper classification levels.
Key words:
diatoms taxa, classification system, Korean name |