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Algae > Volume 10(2); 1995 > Article
Algae 1995;10(2): 81-90.
The Use of FITC-Lectin Labelling in Characterizing Strains of Conjugatophyceae
A. Rowe, V. Lopez-Rodas and E. Costas
Genetica, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense
FITC-labelled lectins successfully characterized different laboratory strains of Spirogyra insignis according to their individual and distinct lectin binding reactions. lectin binding patterns could additionally be used to gauge genetic variability in the Conjugatophycean species Spirogyra insignis and Zygnema commune in nature. Temporal and spatial variation was suggested by alterations in the percentage occurrence of and the appearance and subsequent disappearance of distinct lectin binding patterns during the sampling periods and between reservoirs. In addition, the asxual/sexual reproduction rates was measured, suggesting a clonal structure for these Conjugatophycean species in nature. FITC-lectin labelling appears to be a rapid and successful tool to detect genetic variability within species.
Key words: lectins, genetic variability, spatial variation, temporal variation, Conjugatophyceae, Spirogyra insignis, Zygnema commune

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