Fine Structure of Diatom Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis and S. parvus from the Naktong River of Korea
Kyung-Je Cho
Department of Biology, Inje University
The fine structure of two small centric diatom Stephanodiscus species in the freshwater zone of the Naktong River was examined by light and electron microscopy, and their variations are discussed. Blooming Stephanodiscus populations of the Naktong River were identified to be mainly composed of two species: S. hantzschii f. tenuis (Hust.) Hakansson et Stoermer and S. parvus Stoermer et Hakansson. Two species share the mutual similarity in their frustule-morphology and are overlapping in their distributional niche. However, it can be discriminated each other under light microscope. S. parvus is first reported in the Naktong River as well perhaps in Korea.
Key words:
Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis, S. parus, SEM structure |