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Algae > Volume 10(2); 1995 > Article
Algae 1995;10(2): 117-119.
A Simple and Rapid Method for Isolation of Total DNA from Free-Living Conchocelis of Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)
Jong-Ahm Shin, Shigeto Kiyokawa, Yumi Kidachi, Akio Miura
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering
We describe more simple, inexpensive and rapid method for isolation of total DNA from free-living conchocelis of some Porphyras than the previous methods requiring quantities of fresh tissue and lots of time, labor and cost. The method yields sufficient quantities of good-quality ANA from a small amount of conchocelis tissue without liquid nitrogen treatments, hexadecyltrimetylammonium bromide (CTAB) treatments and phenol extraction.
Key words: conchocelis DNA isolation, Porphyra, Rhodophyta

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