Effects of Daylength on the Differentiation and Receptacle Formation of Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura
Chan Sun Park, Eun Kyoung Howan, Young Ho Yi, Chul Hyun Sohn
Department of Aquaculture, National Fisheries University of Pusan, Wando fisheries Extension Service Station, National Fisheries Research and Development Agency
Effects of daylength on the differentiation and receptacle formation of Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura Were investigated. Embryos isolated from receptacles developed into primary baldes at all daylength conditions which leaded to the rhizoid development. The differentiation of shoot, however, was promoted under long-day conditions (24L:0D, 14L:10D). The differentiation of shoot, however, was promoted under the short-day condition (8L:16D). The thalli grown under the long-day conditions triggered the differentiation of main shoot when they were transferred to the short-day conditions. Receptacle formation and maturation could be observed when a thallus with vesicles transferred from the short-day condition into the long-day conditions.
Key words:
Hizikia fusiformis, daylength, differentiation, receptalcles |