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Algae > Volume 9(1); 1994 > Article
Algae 1994;9(1): 95-105.
A morphogenesis from Culture of Wounded Embryo of Pelvetia siliquosa Tseng et Chang
Jang Taek Yoon, Woong Yong Soh, Joong Rai Kim
Department of Biology, Chonbuk National University, Marine Development Dept., Kunsan National University
The morphogenesis of Pelvetia siliquosa Tseng et Cahang, a fucalean brown alga, wounded at the embryonic stage was examined in culture. The zygotes of P. siliquosa were cultured in PESI media under the condition of 15℃ and illuminated from above to give alternating 14 hour light and 10 hour dark periods. To observe the regeneration of young thalli which are developed from the wounded embryos, six parts of the cultured embryos have been cut as follows : 1) the primary rhizoids of 15 day-old embryo; 2) the secondary rhizoids of 20 day-old embryo; 3) the secondary rhizoidal filaments; 4) the central part of 15 day-old embryo; 5) the upper part of 20 day-old embryo; and 6) the lower part of 20 day-old embryo. All the wounded parts of embryo were regenerated and developed into new thalli. But, embryos wounded in the upper part showed delayed rhizoidal formation, and embryos having wounds in their rhizoidal portion grew slowly and showed retarded differentiation. The embryos wounded less than 1/3 portion in cross section recovered completely within 10 days, while the ones wounded in whole cross section recovered in 27 days leaving with wound trace.
Key words: Pelvetia siliquosa, morphogenesis, wounded embryo

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