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Algae > Volume 9(1); 1994 > Article
Algae 1994;9(1): 37-46.
Preliminary Studies on the Ecology of Neritic Marine Diatoms in Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica
In-young Ahn, Hosung Chung, Jae-Shin Kang, Sung-Ho Kang
PolarResearch Center, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
Species composition and density of neritic diatoms were studied in Maxwell Bay, King George Island during the austral summer months of 1992/1993. A total of 30 genera and 54 species were identified. Epiphytic of epilithic diatoms such as Synedra spp., Achnanthes brevipes var. angustata, Licmophora spp., and Pseudogomphonema kamtschaticum predominated the water column microalgal populations in the nearshore waters (98% in the nearshore waters to 20% at the bay mouth (>500m). At the bay mouth, a planktonic form Thalassiosira antarctical predominated (80%). The density of diatoms in the surface waters was also nigher at the nearshore waters (2.4-14.0 μmC/l) than at the rest of the bay (1.2-3.2 μgC/l). The results of this study show that even within coastal waters species composition and biomass of diatoms could vary considerably. The present study also suggests that in the Antarctic nearshore waters benthic diatoms may play a major role as a primary producer when and where water column production is low.
Key words: Antarctica, neritic diatoms, species compositon, density, epiphytic, macroalgae

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