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Algae > Volume 3(2); 1988 > Article
Algae 1988;3(2): 185-191.
Phylogenetic Study in Physiological and Biochemical Aspects upon Cellular Inclusions of Blue - Green Algae 1. The observation of blue - green algae storing poly - β - hydroxybutyrate
Soon Ae Yoo, Ki Sung Lee
The existence of PHB(poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid) in blue-green algal cells is clarified in 7 species by the fluorescent staining of Nile-blue A soluton. Microcystis marginata (Menegh.) Kuetz., Gloeocapsa decorticans (A. Br.) Richter and Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Born. et Flah. contain several granular PHB in a cell. Aphanocapsa sp., Nostoc microscopium Carm. ex Born. et Flah., Symploca muscorum (Ag.) Gomont and Oscillatoria decolarata G. S. West show dispersed PHB over a whole cell. Since the first observation of PHB in Chlorogloea fritschii, this is a new report on blue-green algae containing PHB. The presence or absence of PHB can give insights of taxonomy of blue-green algae based on biochemical metabolic evolution.

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