A Taxonomic Study on the Epiphytic Diatoms of Porphyra tenera Kjellman from the Coastal Waters of Korea
Cho Kyu Song, Jae Hyung Shim, Won Ho Lee
Department of Biology, Kangwon National University, Department of Oceanography, Seoul National University, Department of Marine Development, Kunsan National University
Eighteen taxa of epiphytic diatoms were identified from the blades of Porphyra tenera Kjellman collected at the coastal sites of Korea during winter months, 1984. Of these 18 taxa 7 (Grammatophora oceanica Grunow, Grammatophora oceanica f. nodulosa Hustedt, Synedra formosa Hantzsch, Rhabdonema arcuatum v. robusta Hustedt, Rhabdonema mirificum W. Smith, Cocconeis dirupta Gregory, Achnanthes javanica v. subconstricta Meister) were new to Korea. We described observed characteristics and distributional ecology of the taxa identified.
Key words:
Epiphytic diatoms, Porphyra tenera |