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Table of Contents | , 1987  Vol. 2  No.2 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

147 Fine Structure of Laminaria saccharina ( L. ) Lamour.
Ik Kyo Chung, Myron C . Ledbetter, B . H . Brinkhuis
Algae. 1987;2(2):147-171.
173 Symphyocladia pennata Okamura ( Rhodophyta , Rhodomelaceae ) in Korea
Do Sung Choi, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1987;2(2):173-183.
185 Phylogenetic Study in Physiological and Biochemical Aspects upon Cellular Inclusions of Blue - Green Algae 1. The observation of blue - green algae storing poly - β - hydroxybutyrate
Soon Ae Yoo, Ki Sung Lee
Algae. 1987;2(2):185-191.
193 Flora of the Fresh - Water Algae in Chol La Nam Do , Korea ( 2 ) Cyanophyceae
In Sun Wui, Baik Ho Kim
Algae. 1987;2(2):193-201.
203 Cortication as a Taxonomic Character in Polysiphonia japonica Harvey ( Rhodophyta )
Ha Yong Yoon
Algae. 1987;2(2):203-209.
211 Encystment and Excystment in the Marine Dino - flagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea
Chang Hoon Kim, Hideo Iwasaki
Algae. 1987;2(2):211-221.
223 Distribution of Marine Algae from shore Area of Kangwon Province
Sung Min Boo
Algae. 1987;2(2):223-235.
237 Biotechnology for Improvement of Cultivars of Marine Algae
Sang Ho Song, Jong Lak Won
Algae. 1987;2(2):237-246.
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