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1 |
Taxonomy of the Rhodochortonaceae (Rhodophyta) in Korea
Lee Yong Pil
Algae. 1987;2(1):1-50.
51 |
Morphology and Reproduction of Griffithsia venusta Yamada (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
Kim Hyung-Seop, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1987;2(1):51-60.
61 |
A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Codium, Chlorophyta, in Cheju Island
Oh Yoon Sik, Yong Pil Lee, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1987;2(1):61-72.
73 |
A Study on Colonization and Succession of Marine Algae Using an Artificial Substratum
Kim Young Hwan
Algae. 1987;2(1):73-91.
93 |
Additions to the Fresh-Water Algae in Korea (IV)
Yoon-Kyung Chang
Algae. 1987;2(1):93-96.
97 |
The Fine Structure of New Recorded Pennate Diatoms in Korea
Choi Joong Ki, Jae Hoon Noh
Algae. 1987;2(1):97-117.
119 |
The Flora of the Fresh-Water Algae in Chol-La Nam-Do, Korea (I) Euglenophyceae
Wui In-Sun, Baik-Ho Kim
Algae. 1987;2(1):119-127.
129 |
A Taxonomic Study on the Epiphytic Diatoms of Porphyra tenera Kjellman from the Coastal Waters of Korea
Cho Kyu Song, Jae Hyung Shim, Won Ho Lee
Algae. 1987;2(1):129-138.
139 |
An Assessment of Water Quality by Epilithic Diatoms of Hyungsan River Water-System
Chung Jun
Algae. 1987;2(1):139-146.