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Table of Contents | , 2000  Vol. 15  No.3 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

125 ITS 2 Sequences of Gelidium amansii Populations from Korea
Jong-In Kim, Jae Wan Lee, Hae-Bok Lee
Algae. 2000;15(3):125-132.
133 Simple and Rapid Isolation of Plasmids from Porphyra tenera
Hack Sun Choi, Kyong Hee Choi, Tae Hyong Rhew
Algae. 2000;15(3):133-136.
137 The Cytoskeletal Network during Division in the Marine Dinoflagellates, Pyrocystis lunula and P. noctiluca
Kyung Suk Seo, Lawrence Fritz
Algae. 2000;15(3):137-141.
143 Mitochondrial Dynamics in Red Algae. 1. Monospore Germination in Audouinella botryocarpa (Acrochaetiales)
David J. Garbary, Pei Zuchang
Algae. 2000;15(3):143-147.
149 Mitochondrial Dynamics in Red Algae. 2. Monosporogenesis in Audouinella botryocarpa (Acrochaetiales)
David J. Garbary, Pei Zuchang
Algae. 2000;15(3):149-153.
155 Purification and Characterization of Rubisco in Porphyra okamurae Ueda
Jae-Suk Choi, Ik Kyo Chung, Bang-Ook Jun
Algae. 2000;15(3):155-162.
163 Influences of Salinity on the Nitrate and Phosphate Removal by Fucus serratus, F. spiralis and F. vesiculosus (Phaephyta)
Eun Kyoung Hwang
Algae. 2000;15(3):163-168.
169 Distribution of Spirogyra spp. (Chlorophyta) in Response to Stream pH
Young Hwan Kim, Sang Il Choi
Algae. 2000;15(3):169-173.
175 Discrimination of Three Species of Dinoflagellates Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Gyrodinium impudicum and Gymnodinium catenatum using FITC-lectins
Eun Seob Cho, Gi-Young Kim, Bong Chol Oh, Lesley L. Rhodes, Jae-Dong Lee
Algae. 2000;15(3):175-178.
179 Construction of Artificial Seaweed Beds ; Using the Spore Bag Method
Chang Geun Choi , Yukihiko Serisawa, Masao Ohno, Chul Hyun Sohn
Algae. 2000;15(3):179-182.
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