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213 |
Proselachista gen. nov. and P. taeniaeformis (Chordariales, Phaeophyta)
Young-Pil Lee, David J. Garbary
Algae. 1999;14(4):213-218.
219 |
Observations on the Chromosome Numbers of Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) Populations from Long Island Sound to the Canadian Maritimes
Robert J. Wilkes, Charles Yarish, Grant G. Mitman
Algae. 1999;14(4):219-222.
223 |
Metal Requirement of 5-aminolevulinic Acid dehydratase in Crude Enzyme Solution Prepared from Several Species of Blue-Green Algae
Sung-Jin Kim, Soon-Ae Yoo, In-cheol Lee
Algae. 1999;14(4):223-228.
229 |
Effects of Auxin and Thallus Extracts on Growths, Sporulation and Spore Release in Ulva pertusa Kjellman
Young-Seok Han, Tae-Jin Han
Algae. 1999;14(4):229-235.
237 |
The Occurrence of Microcystins in the Naktong River
Woo-Hyun Kim, Ae-Ran Choi, Jin-Ae Lee
Algae. 1999;14(4):237-246.
247 |
Population Dynamics of Diatom Genus Aulacoseira in the Naktong River
Kyung-Je Cho, Jae-Ki Shin
Algae. 1999;14(4):247-253.
255 |
Community Structure of Flagellates and Dynamics of Resting Cysts in Kamak Bay, Korea
Moon-Hyung Lee, Joon-Baek Lee, Jin-Ae Lee, Jong-Gyu Park
Algae. 1999;14(4):255-266.
267 |
Rubisco Study in Seaweeds: Present and Prospect
Bang-Ook Jun, Choon-Hwan Lee
Algae. 1999;14(4):267-276.