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Unveiling mesophotic diversity in Hawai‘i: two new species in the genera Halopeltis and Leptofauchea (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta)
Erika A. Alvarado, Feresa P. Cabrera, Monica O. Paiano, James T. Fumo, Heather L. Spalding, Celia M. Smith, Jason C. Leonard, Keolohilani H. Lopes Jr., Randall K. Kosaki, Alison R. Sherwood
Algae. 2022;37(4):249-264.   Published online December 15, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2022.37.10.31
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Umbraulva yunseulla sp. nov. (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) from a subtidal habitat of Jeju Island, Korea
Hyung Woo Lee, Eun Hee Bae, Myung Sook Kim
Algae. 2020;35(4):349-359.   Published online December 21, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2020.35.12.3
                        Supplementary         Web of Science 1  Crossref 1
Haraldiophyllum hawaiiense sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta): a new mesophotic genus record for the Hawaiian Islands
Monica O. Paiano, John M. Huisman, Feresa P. Cabrera, Heather L. Spalding, Randall K. Kosaki, Alison R. Sherwood
Algae. 2020;35(4):337-347.   Published online December 21, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2020.35.11.5
                        Supplementary         Web of Science 7  Crossref 7
Diversity of the genus Sheathia (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) in northeast India and east Nepal
Orlando Necchi, John A. West, E. K. Ganesan, Farishta Yasmin, Shiva Kumar Rai, Natalia L. Rossignolo
Algae. 2019;34(4):277-288.   Published online December 15, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2019.34.10.30
                           Web of Science 9  Crossref 10
Trait-based algal community assembly associated with Pectinatella magnifica (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata)
Hyo Gyeom Kim, Hak Young Lee, Gea-Jae Joo
Algae. 2019;34(2):99-109.   Published online June 15, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2019.34.5.3
                        Supplementary         Web of Science 3  Crossref 3
SoEM: a novel PCR-free biodiversity assessment method based on small-organelles enriched metagenomics
Jihoon Jo, Hyun-Gwan Lee, Kwang Young Kim, Chungoo Park
Algae. 2019;34(1):57-70.   Published online March 15, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2019.34.2.26
                        Supplementary         Web of Science 8  Crossref 7
Diversity of freshwater red algae at Khao Luang National Park, southern Thailand
W. Chankaew, A. Sakset, S. Chankaew, E. K. Ganesan, Orlando Necchi Jr, John A. West
Algae. 2019;34(1):23-33.   Published online March 15, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2019.34.11.30
                           Web of Science 6  Crossref 4
Flora of drift plastics: a new red algal genus, Tsunamia transpacifica (Stylonematophyceae) from Japanese tsunami debris in the northeast Pacific Ocean
John A. West, Gayle I. Hansen, Takeaki Hanyuda, Giuseppe C. Zuccarello
Algae. 2016;31(4):289-301.   Published online December 15, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2016.31.10.20
                           Crossref 15
Lithothamnion steneckii sp. nov. and Pneophyllum conicum: new coralline red algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) for coral reefs of Brazil
Rodrigo Mariath, Rafael Riosmena-Rodriguez, Marcia Figueiredo
Algae. 2012;27(4):249-258.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2012.27.4.249
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Biodiversity and Community Structure of Marine Benthic Organisms in the Rocky Shore of Dongbaekseom, Busan
Jong Su Yoo
Algae. 2003;18(3):225-232.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2003.18.3.225
         Crossref 6
Floristics and Biogeography of Marine Benthic Algae on the Coast of Kamchatka and Commander Islands
Nina G. Klochkova, Tatiana A. Klochkova
Algae. 2001;16(1):119-128.
Flora of drift plastics: a new red algal genus, Tsunamia transpacifica (Stylonematophyceae) from Japanese tsunami debris in the northeast Pacific Ocean
Algae. ;0(0):289-301.   Published online December 21, 2016
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