The Occurrence of Griffithsia okiensis (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Korea on the Basis of Morphology and Molecular Data
Hyung-Seop Kim1, Eun Chan Yang2 and Sung Min Boo2*
Re-examination of the Type of Delesseria kurilensis Ruprecht (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta)
Michael J. Wynne
Morphological Study of the Marine Algal Genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from Southern Philippines: 3 Species New to Philippines
Paul John L. Geraldino, Lawrence M. Liao and Sung Min Boo1*
Taxonomic Note of Polysiphonia pacifica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) Complex with Focus on Pacific Isolates
Myung Sook Kim* and Eun Chan Yang1
Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of Psilothallia dentata (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
Eun-Chan Yang, Kyung-Mi Kim, Jan Runess, Sung-Min Boo
Character Analysis and Numerical Taxonomy of Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) from Korea
Mi Sook Hwang, In Kyu Lee
First Description of Petalonia zosterifolia and Scytosiphon gracilis (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae) from Korea with Specieal Reference to nrDNA ITS Sequence Comparisons
Ga Youn Cho, Eun Chan Yang, Sang Hee Lee, Sung Min Boo
Morphology and Reproduction of Heterosiphonia pulchra and H. japonica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta)
Han-Gu Choi
Algae. 2001;16(4):387-409.
The Developmental Morphology of Ceramium procumbens (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Gulf of California, Mexico
T.O. Cho, R. Riosmena-Rodriguez, S.M. Boo Department of Biology, Chungnam National University, Programa de Investigacion en Botanica Marina, Marine Biology Department, UABCS. Ap.
Algae. 2001;16(1):45-52.
The Circumscription of the Genus Halothrix Reinke (Chordariales, Phaeophyceae)
Yongpil Lee
Algae. 2001;16(1):35-43.
Morphology and rbcL sequences of Caulacanthus okamurae Yamada (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from Korea
Hae-Bok Lee, Jae Wan Lee, Han-Gu Choi, Wook Jae Lee, Jong-In Kim
Algae. 2001;16(1):25-34.
Morphology and Taxonomy on Diatom Genus Aulacosira in the Naktong River
Kyung-Je Cho
Algae. 1999;14(3):143-153.
Pediastrum privum (Printz) Hegewald new to Korea
Seon Sook An, Eberhard Hegewald, Sook Lye Jeon
Algae. 1999;14(2):83-85.
Sphacelaria californica and S. novae-hollandiae, Two Related Species of the Genus Sphacelaria (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyta)
Yeon-Shim Keum, Jung-Hyun Oak, Sung-Min Boo, W. E. Prud'homme van Reine, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1999;14(1):23-35.
A Taxonomic Reappraisal of Trachelomonas hispida(Euglenophyceae) from Korean Inland Waters
Jun-Tae Kim, Woongghi Shin, Sung-Min Boo
Algae. 1999;14(1):1-7.
Taxonomy and Morphology of Undaria( Alariaceae, Phaeophyta) in Korea
Young-Pil Lee, Jang-Taek Yoon
Algae. 1998;13(4):427-446.
Undariella, a New Genus of the Alariaceae (Laminariales, Phaeophyta)
Yong-Pil Lee
Algae. 1998;13(4):419-426.
Floristic and Taxonomic Accounts of the Genus Strombomonas (Euglenophyceae) from Korean Fresh Waters
Jun Tae Kim, Sung Min Boo
Algae. 1998;13(3):275-282.
Floristic and Taxonomic Accounts of the Genus Euglena(Euglenophyceae) from Korean Fresh Waters
Jun-Tae Kim, Sung-Min Boo, Bozena Zakrys
Algae. 1998;13(2):173-197.
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Scenedesmus
Ebrhard H. Hegewald
Algae. 1997;12(4):235-246.
Taxonomic Implications of the Genus Microcystis (Cyanophyceae) from the Naktong River
Jin-Ae Lee, Ae-Ran Choi, Masayuki Watanabe
Algae. 1997;12(3):167-176.
Algal Phenotypic Plasticity: its Importance in Developing New Concepts The Case for Scenedesmus
Eduardo A. Morales, Francis R. Trainor
Algae. 1997;12(3):147-157.
Morphology and Reproduction of Polysiphonia yendoi Segi(Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Myung Sook Kim, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1997;12(2):73-81.
Morphological Variations of Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura (Sargassaceae, phaeophyta) from the Western Coast of the North pacific
Yong-Pil Lee, Shintoku Kamura
Algae. 1997;12(2):57-72.
Taxonomic Study of Amphiroa valonioides Yendo(Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Do-Sung Choi, In-Kyu Lee
Algae. 1996;11(3):269-275.
Taxonomy of Chondria (Rhodophyta) in Korea
Yong-Pil Lee, Sang-Yong Yoon
Algae. 1996;11(1):107-139.
Morphological Variations of Gloiopeltis furcata (Postels et Ruprecht) J. Agardh (Rhodophyta) in the East Coast of Korea
Jae Wan Lee, Byoung-Geon Oh, Hae-Bok Lee
Algae. 1996;11(1):91-94.
Morphology of Three Species of Gloiopeltis (Endocladiaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Byoung-Geon Oh, Hae-Bok Lee
Algae. 1996;11(1):81-90.
A Taxonomy of the Genus Corallina (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Ji Hee Kim, Do Sung Choi, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1996;11(1):73-80.
Field Studies of the Brown Alga Pelvetia siliquosa with Implications for Taxonomy and Distribution
Hyun Sook Song, Kyung Suk Seo, Sung Min Boo
Algae. 1996;11(1):65-71.