The Marine Environment and Dinoflagellates Cysts in the Southwestern Sea of Korea
Jong Sick Park1, Yang Ho Yoon1*, Il Hyeon Noh1, Ho Young Soh1 and Hyeon Ho Shin2
New Record of the Freshwater Dinoflagellate Peridinium umbonatum Stein (Dinophyceae) from Togyo Reservoir, Korea
Jang-Seu Ki and Myung-Soo Han*
Characteristics of Phytoplankton Communities in the Coastal Waters of Power Plant
Yeon-Shik Kang
Morphological Characteristics and Molecular Phylogeny of Five Unarmored Dinoflagellates in Korean Coastal Waters
Soo-Yeon Cho, Jang-Seu Ki and Myung-Soo Han*
Ecological Characteristics of the Endoparasitic Dinoflagellate, Amoebophrya sp. ex Heterocapsa triquetra Isolated from Jinhae Bay, Korea
Jong-Gyu Park1*, Hyun-Jung Hur2, D. Wayne Coats3 and Wonho Yih1
Phylogenetic Relationships among Diverse Dinoflagellate Species Occurring in Coastal Waters off Korea Inferred from Large Subunit Ribosomal DNA Sequence Data
Keun-Yong Kim* and Chang-Hoon Kim
Effects of Light Quantity and Quality on the Growth of the Harmful Dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef (Dinophyceae)
Seok Jin Oh1, Yang Ho Yoon2*, Dae-Il Kim3, Yohei Shimasaki4, Yuji Oshima4 and Tsuneo Honjo4
Effects of Water Temperature, Salinity and Irradiance on the Growth of the Toxic Dinoflagellate, Gymnodinium catenatum (Graham) Isolated from Yeosuhae Bay, Korea
Seok Jin Oh and Yang Ho Yoon1*
First Record of an Ectoparasitic Dinoflagellate, Oodinium inlandicum (Dinophyta) Infecting a Chaetognath, Sagitta crassa from the Korean Coasts
Horiguchi, Takeo Harada, Ai Ohtsuka, Susumu Soh, Ho-Young Yoon, Yang-Ho
Short-term Changes of Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Summer Around Namhae Island of Korea
Wol-Ae Lim, Chang-Keun Kang, Sook-Yang Kim, Sam-Geun Lee, Hak-Gyoon Kim, Ik Kyo Chung
Ecological Characteristics of Phytoplankton Communities in the Coastal Waters of Gori, Wulseong, Uljin and Youngwang Ⅰ. Species Composition and Distribution (1992-1996)
Yeon Shik Kang, Joong Ki Choi
Algae. 2001;16(1):85-111.
Control of Harmful Algal Blooms by Clay via Photochemical Reactions
Chang Sook Kim, Heon Meen Bae, Yong Chul Cho
Algae. 2001;16(1):67-73.
Molecular Analysis of Morphologically Similar Dinoflagellates Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Gyrodinium impudicum and Gymnodinium catenatum Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer and 5.8S rDNA Regions
Eun Seob Cho, Gi-Young Kim, Yong Chul Cho
Algae. 2001;16(1):53-57.
Screening for Antioxidant Activity in Some Red Tide Dinoflagellates
Chang-Sook Kim, Yong-Chul Cho
Algae. 2000;15(1):23-28.
Community Structure of Flagellates and Dynamics of Resting Cysts in Kamak Bay, Korea
Moon-Hyung Lee, Joon-Baek Lee, Jin-Ae Lee, Jong-Gyu Park
Algae. 1999;14(4):255-266.
Identification and Characterization of Nitrate Reductase in a Marine Dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense
Kyoung-Jae Choi, Chi-Hun Ha, Myung-Soo Han, Joong-Kyun Jeon, Ki-Tae Kim, Hae-Ok Lee, Moon-Young Yoon
Algae. 1999;14(3):189-194.
The Community Dynamics of Phytoplankton and Distribution of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Tongyoung Bay, Korea
Young-Jak Kang, Tae-Hoon Ko, Jin-Ae Lee, Joon-Baek Lee, Ik-Kyo Chung
Algae. 1999;14(1):43-54.
Preparation of Intact Chromosomal DNA from Gonyaulax polyedra Cells Ruptured in Hypo-osmotic Solution for PFGE Analysis
Dong-Hee Lee, Jung-Sun Kim, So-Young Kim
Algae. 1998;13(1):135-141.
Inheritance of PSP Toxin Composition in the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium spp.
Chang Hoon Kim, Yoshihiko Sako, Yuzaburo Ishida
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Biogeography of the Planktonic Dinoflagellate Ceratium in the Western Pacific
John D. Dodge
Algae. 1993;8(2):109-119.
The Variation of Algal Cell Volume in the Monospecific Dinoflagellate Blooms in the Southeastern Coastal Waters of Korea
Hak Gyoon Kim, Joo Suck Park, Sam Geun Lee
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An Occurrence and Distribution of Phytoplankton in Korean Coastal Waters, 1930's-1980's
Chang-Hwan Cho
Algae. 1986;1(1):135-143.
Ecological study of Dinoflagellates Responsible for Red Tide 2. the Population growth of Prorocentrum minimum (Pav.) Schiller
Hak-Gyoon Kim
Algae. 1986;1(1):103-106.