Molecular Phylogeny of the Genera Staurastrum and Staurodesmus (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) Based on Nuclear (18S rDNA) and Chloroplast Gene (atpB) Sequences
Byeong Ryeol Moon and Ok-Min Lee*
Phylogenetic Analysis of Dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polygramma Stein Responsible for Harmful Algal Blooms Based on the Partial LSU rDNA Sequence Data
Keun-Yong Kim1, Young-Soo Kim1, Choul-Hee Hwang1, Chang-Kyu Lee2, Wol-Ae Lim2 and Chang-Hoon Kim1*
A Simple Method for Extraction of High Molecular Weight DNA from Porphyra Tenera (Rhodophyta) Using Diatomaceous Earth
Tae Hoon Kim1, Mi Sook Hwang2, Ju-Dong Song1, Min-Hyuk Oh1, Yong-Hwan Moon1, Ik Kyo Chung3, Tae-Hyoung Rhew4 and Choon-Hwan Lee1*
Biology of Porphyra pulchella sp. nov. from Australia and New Zealand
Jillian C. Ackland1, John A. West1, Joseph Scott2, Giuseppe C. Zuccarello3 and Judy Broom4
Morphology and Molecular Data for Antarctic Cryophilic Microalga, Porosira pseudodenticulata
Woongsic Jung, Hyoung Min Joo, Sung Soo Hong, Jae-Shin Kang, Han-Gu Choi and Sung-Ho Kang*
Characterization of Agarose Product from Agar Using DMSO
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Analysis of Small-Subunit rDNA Sequences Obtained from Korean Peridinium bipes f. occultatum (Dinophyceae)
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Nuclear DNA Quantification of Some Ceramialean Algal Spermatia by Fluorescence Microscopic Image Processing and their Nuclear SSU rDNA Sequences
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A Simple Method for DNA Extraction from Red Algae
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Phylogenetic Relationships of Sargassum subgenus Bactrophycus (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae) inferred from rDNA ITS Sequences
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Mixed-phase Reproduction of Dasysiphonia chejuensis from Korea: Nuclear DNA Contents and Environmental Factors
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Characterization of Natural Plasmid and Construction of Putative Transformation Vector Using the Plasmid in Korean Red Alga, Porphyra tenera
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Molecular Analysis of Morphologically Similar Dinoflagellates Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Gyrodinium impudicum and Gymnodinium catenatum Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer and 5.8S rDNA Regions
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Isolation and Characterization of a cDNA Encoding 40S Ribosomal Protein S8 from a Red Alga, Griffithsia japonica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta)
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Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Scenedesmus
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A Simple Method for RNA Extraction from Marine Macroalgae
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The Molecular Characteristics of Five Genera of Dictyotaceae (Phaeophyta) from Australia: based on DNA Sequence of Nuclear rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) and 5.8S
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A Simple and Rapid Method for Isolation of Total DNA from Free-Living Conchocelis of Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)
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Measurement of DAPI-stained DNA in Dasysiphonia chejuensis Lee et West (Rhodophyta) by a Video Interfaced Digital Image Processor
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Genetics and Breeding of Cultivated Seaweeds
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Flora of drift plastics: a new red algal genus, Tsunamia transpacifica (Stylonematophyceae) from Japanese tsunami debris in the northeast Pacific Ocean
Algae. ;0(0):289-301. Published online December 21, 2016