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Algae > Volume 17(1); 2002 > Article
Algae 2002;17(1): 1-9. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2002.17.1.001
Diel Vertical Distribution of Phytoflagellates in a Small Artificial Pond
Han Soon Kim, Noriko Takamura
Department of Biology, Kyungpook National University, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Diel vertical distribution of phytoflagellates and interactions between the phytoplankton components and environmental and biological factors were studied in a small artificial pond for three days on the December 18, 1998 and April 9 to 10, 1999. The phytoplankton population was dominated by Mallomonas akrokomos of chrysophytes and Cryptomonas marssonii and Chroomonas sp. of cryptophytes. The vertical distribution of these phytoflagellates taxaexhibited clear diel migration pattern. Moreover their migration patterns are showed differential fluctuation between M. akrokomos, C. marssonii and Chroomonas sp. The later two species upward migrated in the evening as well as night, whereas the former species migrated downward. Their distinctive migration pattern was found during the night but was not observed in the morning. During daytime C. marssonii and Chroomonas sp. showed maximum density above 2 m depth but M. akrokomos below 2 m depth. The diel vertical distribution of the dominant phytoflagellates did not show significant correlation between physical, chemical and biotic factors.
Key words: Chroomonas, Cryptomonas marssonii, diel migration, Mallomonas akrokomos, Phytoflagellates, vertical distribution

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