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Algae > Volume 15(4); 2000 > Article
Algae 2000;15(4): 209-231.
Epilithic Diatom Flora of the Pukchong-Namdaechon River of North Korea
Kyung-Je Cho
Epilithic diatoms, which are attached on the stones or pebbles, were collected in the Pukchong-Namdaechon River of North Korea to examine with the microscopy. This study was conducted from October 1997 to July 1998. One hundred and forty-one taxa representing 29 genus were identified and presented with light microscopy photography, and their abundance and distribution were discussed. The important diatom groups were genus Achnanthes, Fragilaria and Cymbella comprising 89% abundance of epilithic diatoms. Dominantly leading species were Achnanthes convergens H. Kob., A. minutissima Kutz., A. alteragracillima Lange-B., Fragilaria inaequalis (H. Kob.) Lange-B. The seasonality of epilithic diatoms wasn't clear

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