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Algae > Volume 13(1); 1998 > Article
Algae 1998;13(1): 143-149.
Red Tide Organism: Ciliate Mesodinium rubrum rubrum (Lohmann) Hamburger et Buddenbrock
Jong-Su Yoo, Jin-Hwan Lee, Yasuwo Fukuyo
Laboratory of Phycology, Department of Aquatic Bioscience, Tokyo University of Fisheries, Department of Biology, Sangmyung University, Asian Natural Environmental Science Center, The University of Tokyo
Red-tide causative ciliate (Protozoa), Mesodinium rubrum, has been widely observed int he world, and has been characterized as a functional autotroph, The ciliate is often found in non-toxic red tides, Its morphology is highly variable in both external features and ultrastructure, Although there are a few studies on morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of the species, the former two is not well elucidated. There is even speculation of presence of several different species under one species name, M. rubrum. This species can tolerate side range of salinity (3.0~36.9‰) and temperature (-16~40.0℃). Recently (after 1990), M. rubrum red tides frequently occurred in the coastal waters of the southern and western Korea. Massive res tide caused by M, rubrum red tides frequently occurred in the coastal waters of the southern and western Korea. Massive red tide caused by M. rubrum was observed in the dock of Inchon harbor (37° 28' 30N, 126° 37' 30E), Kyounggi Bay, Korea, from late May till early June of 1990. The red tide occurred under the condition of 18.0℃, 28.0~29.0‰, and pH 7.29~8.28. When it occurred, water was brownish dark red color after ten days, aquatic ecosystem was almost destroyed because of oxygen and succesive H sub(2)S production.
Key words: iliate, functional autotroph, Mesodinium rubrum, red tide

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