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Algae > Volume 9(1); 1994 > Article
Algae 1994;9(1): 29-36.
Morphological Differences among the Populations of Enteromorpha compressa (L.) Greville (Chlorophyceae) due to Environmental Factors
Kwang Young Kim, In Kyu Lee
Department of Biology, Seoul National University
To explain intraspecific variation of morphology, discriminant analysis and multiple comparisons after one way ANOVA on the morphometric measurements among the Enteromorpha compressa populations of the Korean coast were applied. E. compressa may consists of the nutrient morphotypes with some potential for physiological adaptation to nutrient levels. The Pattern observed for morphology of thallus in relation to the nutrient concentrations suggests that faster growing plants also tend to be more branched. It can be concluded that plant shape is determined by growth condition. The similarity of morphologies was also seen in the results of a discriminant analysis based on the population's average morphology. In any population the plants existed with a variety of differing forms.
Key words: morphology, discriminant analysis, multiple comparisons, Enteromorpha compressa, nutrient morphotypes

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