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Algae > Volume 7(2); 1992 > Article
Algae 1992;7(2): 185-205.
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Marine Diatom Family Hemidiscaceae in the Korean Coastal Waters
Jin-Hwan Lee, Jung-Shin Byun, Eun-Ho Lee
Department of Biology, Sangmyung Women's University
It is the aim of this study to identify the marine diatom family Hemidiscaceae (Actinocyclus, Roperia, Hemidiscus) and to discuss the phylogenetic view of them occurred from the Korean coastal waters during the period from January 1982 to September 1990. The present study was based on morphological characteristics of qualitative and quantitative analyses with light microscope and scanning electron microscopes. The family Hemidiscaceae was consisted of 1 forma. 3 varieties, 6 species and 3 genera: Actinocyclus actinochilus, A. beaufortianus, A. curvatulus, A. normanii f. normanii, A. octonarius, A. octonarius var. ralfsii, A. octonarius var. sparsus, A. octonarius var. tenellus, Roperia tesselata, Hemidiscus cuneiformis. The family Hemidiscaceae has characteristics of one pseudonodulus and many marginal ring of rimoportulae. This family evolved from the genus Coscinodiscus which has no central rimoportulae and have minute marginal rimoportulae. In the view of promorphology, the diatoms of Hemidiscaceae may have evolved from radial symmetry toward asymmetry trend.
Key words: family Hemidiscaceae, Actinocyclus, Roperia, Hemidiscus, taxonomy, phylogeny

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