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Algae > Volume 6(1); 1991 > Article
Algae 1991;6(1): 47-53.
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Phytoplanktonic and Periphytic Diatom Assemblages of Naktong River Estuary
Kyung Je Cho
Department of Biology, Inje University
Sample materials were collected three times to investigate the distribution of planktonic and periphytic diatom assemblages for the substrata and seasons in fresh water zone of Naktong River Estuary. Thirty four taxa were important among 165 in total by the cell count abundance data. From the cluster analysis, a clear separation of the phytoplanktonic and periphytic diatom assemblages was recognizable. The stepwise classification of periphyton exhibited three clusters dominated with epilithic, epiphytic and both mixed diatom flora. However, there was a considerable overlap in floristic composition among three assemblages. Melosira ambigua predominated over planktonic cluster group, accounting 49% relative abundance. Achnanthes minutissima and Nitzschia palea were dominant in stream and river epilithic assemblages, respectively. The evenness and diversity indices showed a similar spatial and seasonal tendency. For species diversity of diatom assemblages, the order of their magnitude was; epiphyton < epilithon < phytoplankton. In February, microalgal biomass was relatively low, but diversity higher. Physical environmental stress would increase the diatom diversity. Sonaktong River was significantly more eutrophic than any other water zone, considering the microalgal flora and diatom diversity data.
Key words: distribution, phytoplankton, epilithon, epiphyton, periphyton diatom

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