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Algae > Volume 24(4); 2009 > Article
Algae 2009;24(4): 213-229. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2009.24.4.213
Taxonomic Reassessment of the Genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta) from the Gulf of California
Rafael Riosmena-Rodriguez1*, Litzia Paul-Chavez2, Gustavo Hernandez-Carmona2,Juan Manuel Lopez-Vivas1 and Margarita Casas-Valdez2

1Programa de Investigacion en Botanica Marina, Departamento de Biologia Marina UABCS,Apartado postal 19-B, La Paz, B.C.S. 23080, Mexico
2Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas IPN, La Paz B.C.S. 23080, Mexico
A monographic reassessment of Padina Adanson species from the Gulf of California was developed based on an exhaustive review of the character and characters states that have been used to delimit species in recent and historically valuable collections. Eight names (P. caulescens Thivy in Taylor, P. concrescens Thivy in Taylor, P. crispata Thivy in Taylor, P. durvillaei Bory Saint-Vincent, P. gymnospora [Kutzing] Sonder, P. mexicana Dawson, P. tetrastromatica Hauck and P. vickersiae Hoyt in Howe) were reported from the region. An analysis of 1,200 specimens led to the conclusion that only three species (P. durvillaei, P. concrescens and P. mexicana) can be recognized for the area based on four discriminating characters: presence of calcium carbonate in the cell wall; number of medullary cell layers in the basal area; number of medullary cell layers in the middle part and presence/absence of cortical cells. Comparative analysis of the species in the Gulf of California in relation to other recently evaluated species has shown a clear distinction among them suggesting Padina species were overestimated in our area.
Key words: Dictyotales, Gulf of California, Padina, taxonomy

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